고객이 있는곳으로 가고, 계속 변화하는 시장 맥락에 반응하는 것은 높은 성과를거두는 기업과 그렇지 않은 기업을 가르는 요소다.

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모든 성공적인 ‘블루 오션 전략그렇듯 규모가 더 큰 기존 기업의 핵심 사업에는 뛰어들지 마라.
좀 더 규모가 작은 틈새를 파고들어 승리를 거두어라. 시장을 배워라.
교두보를 발달시켜라. 소비자를 자사 제품과 브랜드의 궤도로 끌어들이고 나서 시장과 제품 제공을 확장하라.

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Most businesses and people make it far too hard for clients and employers to start a relationship with them. They make it too difficult to get prospects to start using their products or services to the maximum advantage. If you lower or totally eliminate the hurdle in starting a relationship, far more people will begin one with you.
If you deliver great value, service, and tangible results,
these people will keep coming back and dealing with you.
And the fact that you were the only one with enough faith in yourself, your product, or your service instead of putting the risk on their shoulders will long be remembered favorably by these clients. The faster you get the buying or advisory relationship started the faster someone will convert from prospect to lifelong client.

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The beauty of the Strategy of Preeminence is that it applies to any business, whether you‘re selling life insurance or you own a hardware store. The steps you must take always remain the same. You must first identify what your client really needs, even if your client doesn‘t recognize what it is he or she needs. The client may think that a particular item is what he or she is searching for, but if you probe a bit you might see that an entirely different solution will solve your client‘s problem, maybe even a less expensive solution. Now you have become more than a salesperson. You‘ve become an adviser. You‘ve begun the process of winning trust and, ultimately, additional business from your client. This approach to business may seem pretty obvious to you.

But you‘d be amazed at how few people in business understand this very basic concept. It‘s hard for them to understand that what they really are selling is solutions to problems, not merchandise. And it‘s hard for them to see that selling a person what he or she needs versus what they have to sell will set them apart from the pack and result in repeat business and referral business.

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You need to understand that you have a higher purpose for being in business than simply making money. Your purpose must be understanding what you can do to help solve the problems of others, help maximize the options, and finding ways to do it. And unless you understand that higher purpose, you can‘t begin to take advantage of your potential. With that understanding, however, comes the realization that you can have an impact on people. That you can produce a positive response. A positive action. A positive result.

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