6 trial a. 재판, 시도He made a success / in his third trial.그는 성공했다 / 세 번째 시도에서.= trial, experiment, test, trouble, nuisance - P3
5 keen a. 예리한, 예민한He has a keen sense of dance.그는 감각이 좀 예민하다.= sharp, acute, shrewd, eager, anxious, enthusiastic←→ dull, blunt - P3
4 vibrate v. 진동하다His voice vibrated / with excitement.그의 음성은 떨렸다. / 흥분으로= quiver, shake, oscillate, resound, sway, swing, flucruate - P3
3 efficient 능률적인It was an efficient method / of menufacturing pins.그것은 효율적 방법이었다 / 핀을 제조하는.= effective - P2
2 accuse 고소[발]하다, 비난하다They are going to accuse /her /as a murderer.그들은 고소하려 하고 있다. /그녀를/ 살인죄로=charge - P2