I asked my students to hand in just one English diary to evaluate their writing skills. - P3
이재명 ˝가끔 버는데 세금? 지금은 안돼˝ 금투세 유예 힘 싣는다https://share.newming.io/Y7C1
‘복권‘ 물어다 준 은혜 갚은 고양이…주인이 받은 당첨금 얼마?https://share.newming.io/Ry6P
While having taught English to high school students for more than 15 years, I have a deep prediction for the struggle of teaching how to write in English. - P3
순천 여고생 살해범 구속…˝범행 인정, 피해자와 모르는 사이˝https://share.newming.io/i653