The way Dinah washed her children‘s faces was this : first she held the poor thing down by its ear with one paw, and then with the other paw she rubbed its face all over, the wrong way, beginning at the nose: and just now, and I said, she was hard at work on the white kitten, which was lying quite still and trying to putt-no doubt feeling that it was all meant for its good. - P11

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For the white kitten had been having its face washed by the old cat for the last quarter of an hour (and bearing it pretty well considering); so you see that it couldn‘t have any hand in the mischief. - P11

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One thing was certain, that the white kitten had nothing to do with it - it was black kitten‘s fault entirely. - P11

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저자 소개
루이스 캐럴(Lewis Carol)은 영국 작가,수학자,사진사입니다. 가장 유명한 작품은 <이상한 나라의 앨리스>와 <거울 나라의 앨리스>입니다. 그 외에도 <실비와 브루노>, <스나크 사냥> 등의 작품도 있습니다. 본명은 찰스 럿위지 도지슨(1832년 1월27일~1898년 1월 14일)입니다.
- P3

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<거울 나라의 앨리스>는 루이스 캐롤이 1871년 발표한 소설로 캐롤의 출세작이자 베스트셀러인 <이상한 나라의 앨리스>의 후속작입니다.
- P3

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