한국철학이라 하면 흔히 삼국시대 원효에서부터 시작해서 조선시대 성리학계의 몇몇 논쟁을 거쳐 실학 정도에서 마무리되는 범위였는다. 최근 근현대의 철학적, 사상적 흐름을 조명하는 책들이 눈에 띄여서 정리해본다. 

이규성의 [한국현대철학사론]은 최제우, 최시형, 이돈화, 김기전, 나철, 이기, 서일, 신채호, 이회영, 박은식, 전병훈, 박종홍, 함석헌, 신남철, 박치우 등의 근현대 종교가 및 사상가들을 연구한 책. 일독해봐야겠다. 


한국철학사상연구회의 학자들이 저술한 [처음 읽는 한국현대철학]과 [길 위의 우리 철학]은 각각 가벼운 입문서와 답사기의 성격을 지니는데, 일단 가볍게 패스. 

유대칠의 [대한민국철학사]는 ‘이 땅’에서 ‘우리말’ ‘우리글’로 역사의 주체인 ‘우리’가 우리의 삶과 고난에 대해 고민하고 사유한 결과물이 한국철학이라고 하며, 진정 한국적인 철학의 형성과 전개를 모색한다. 흥미로운 저작. 

전대호의 [철학은 뿔이다]는 한국철학의 통사는 아니지만 김상봉, 이진경, 김상환, 이어령 등의 사상가에 대한 비판을 가한 책이라는 점에서 논쟁이 상실된 학계 풍토에 희유의 저작.  

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道可道 非常道 名可名 非常名

無名天地之始 有名萬物之母

故常無欲以觀其妙 常有欲以觀其徼


同謂之玄 玄之又玄 衆妙之門  

James Legge

The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. 

The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.

(Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; 

(conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.

Always without desire we must be found,

If its deep mystery we would sound;

But if desire always within us be,

Its outer fringe is all that we shall see.

Under these two aspects, it is really the same; 

but as development takes place, it receives the different names. 

Together we call them the Mystery. 

Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.

Arthur Waley

The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way;

The names that can be named are not unvarying names.

It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang;

The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind.

Truly, “Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences”;

He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes.

These two things issued from the same mould, but nevertheless are different in name.

This “same mould” we can but call the Mystery,

Or rather the “Darker than any Mystery”,

The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences.

Wing-Tsit Chan 陳榮捷

The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao; 

The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth; 

The Named is the mother of all things.

Therefore let there always be non-being, so we may see their subtlety, 

And let there always be being, so we may see their outcome.

The two are the same, But after they are produced, they have different names.

They both may be called deep and profound. 

Deeper and more profound, The door to all subtleties!

D. C. Lau 劉殿爵

The way that can be spoken of

Is not the constant way;

The name that can be named

Is not the constant name.

The nameless was the beginning of heaven and earth;

The named was the mother of the myriad creatures.

Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets;

But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations.

These two are the same

But diverge in name as they issue forth.

Being the same they are called mysteries,

Mystery upon mystery -

The gateway of the manifold secrets.

Ursula K. Le Guin

The way you can go

isn't the real way.

The name you can say

isn't the real name.

Heaven and earth

begin in the unnamed:

name's the mother

of the ten thousand things.

So the unwanting soul

sees what's hidden,

and the ever-wanting soul

sees only what it wants.

Two things, one origin,

but different in name,

whose identity is mystery.

Mystery of all mysteries!

The door to the hidden.

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철학은 어떻게 삶의 무기가 되는가

꽤 많이 팔린 베스트셀러로 알고 있는데 ... 

(알라딘에서는 무려 종합 10위 안에 6주간이나 있었네)

원서까지 함께 보신 분에 의하면 (아래 사진도 그분께서 찍으신 것)

뒤에 나온 철학책 가이드가 몽땅 빠졌다고 한다. 

저자가 독자들을 위해 정성껏 선정하고 해설까지 붙인 가이드를

한국어판 출판사는 왜 삭제하고 출판한 거지?

그냥 책제목이랑 저자명만 달랑 적어둔 참고문헌도 아니고 가이드라고요.

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시계, 달력 전반에 대한 고찰

경도의 보급판이 해상시계로 추정됨

조선 시대의 앙부일구, 혼천의 등에 대한 연구서

서운관 관련 연구서


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Books That Changed The World: The 50 Most Influential Books in Human History

The Iliad 8TH CENTURY BC Homer

The Histories 5TH CENTURY BC Herodotus

The Analects 5TH CENTURY BC Confucius

The Republic 4TH CENTURY BC Plato


Odes 23–13 BC Horace

Geographia c. AD 100–170 Ptolemy

Kama Sutra 2ND OR 3RD CENTURY AD Mallanaga Vatsyayana

The Qur’an 7TH CENTURY

Canon of Medicine 1025 Avicenna

The Canterbury Tales 1380s–90s Geof rey Chaucer

The Prince 1532 Niccolò Machiavelli

Atlas, or, Cosmographic Meditations 1585–95 Gerard Mercator

Don Quixote 1605–15 Miguel de Cervantes

First Folio 1623 William Shakespeare

An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals 1628 William Harvey

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems 1632 Galileo Galilei

Principia Mathematica 1687 Isaac Newton

A Dictionary of the English Language 1755 Samuel Johnson

The Sorrows of Young Werther 1774 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Wealth of Nations 1776 Adam Smith

Common Sense 1776 Thomas Paine

Lyrical Ballads 1798 William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Pride and Prejudice 1813 Jane Austen

A Christmas Carol 1843 Charles Dickens

The Communist Manifesto 1848 Karl Marx

Moby-Dick 1851 Herman Melville

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe

Madame Bovary 1857 Gustave Flaubert

On the Origin of Species 1859 Charles Darwin

On Liberty 1859 John Stuart Mill

War and Peace 1869 Leo Tolstoy

The Telephone Directory 1878 New Haven District Telephone Company

The Thousand and One Nights 1885 Translated by Sir Richard Burton

A Study in Scarlet 1888 Arthur Conan Doyle

The Interpretation of Dreams 1899 Sigmund Freud

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 1905

Poems 1920 Wilfred Owen

Relativity: The Special and the General Theory 1920 Albert Einstein

Ulysses 1922 James Joyce

Lady Chatterley’s Lover 1928 D.H. Lawrence

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 1936 John Maynard Keynes

If This is a Man 1947 Primo Levi

Nineteen Eighty-four 1949 George Orwell

The Second Sex 1949 Simone de Beauvoir

The Catcher in the Rye 1951 J.D. Salinger

Things Fall Apart 1958 Chinua Achebe

Silent Spring 1962 Rachel Carson

Quotations from Chairman Mao 1964 Mao Zedong

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 1997 J.K. Rowling

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