Don't buy on credit.

Individual investors have an instinctive desire to get rich quickly. However, most of them do not have financial resources. You may even start investing in stocks unprepared. The more you do, the more likely your investment will fail.

Through ‘Stock investing, the absolute science of getting rich’ the first thing I want to say is, don't buy on credit. Credit is a really good idea to leverage with little capital. But a good idea is that if the stock goes down, all the money in the account will be lost due to the leverage. I also bought on credit. There have been times when I lost almost the amount of money. I invested and deeply regretted it. In other words, it is correct to say that I learned from investment failures.

It would be nice if stocks rise after the credit on buy, but usually the opposite is the case. And in the meantime, experience the basement.

From then on, liquidation guide text comes. Deposit money into your account to avoid liquidation. The basement starts from the first basement floor and has no end in sight.

Another text is coming. This time using cash advance. Sometimes it could be the 10th basement level, or it could be the 20th basement floor. You say you're going up now and use the card loan. Then this time it will be on the 50th floor. The account is already empty. I also experienced

I also complained by calling the customer service center of the securities company. But there is no benefit. Individual investors fail in the stock market. And some leave the stock market and don't even look at the stock.

The only way to beat short selling in the volatile stock market is not to use credit. This is the most basic thing that individual investors must follow when investing in stocks.

Credit transactions are made with the money of securities companies when trading stocks. The difference from receivable transactions is that transactions are possible only with collateral securities in a certain section.

Credit transactions have a deadline, and you must put in a margin within this deadline. If you don't put in a margin, you will be counter-traded. So, when individual investors make credit transactions, they move away from the absolute science of getting rich from stock investing.

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The Science of Getting Rich

A man develops in mind, soul, and body by mak-ing use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the science of getting rich.

- Wallace D. Wattles -

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Stock Investing, The absolute Science of Getting Rich

Absolute principles of stock investment

Absolute rule 1: Make a profit on your investment

Absolute rule 2: Repeat Absolute Rule 1 over and over again.

- Happy Diamond -

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[eBook] 주식투자 부자가 되는 절대과학 - 1편. 상승폭풍회오리전법 주식투자 부자가 되는 절대과학 1
Happy Diamond / 페스트북 / 2022년 9월
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1만배의 사용가치를 가져다 주네요^^

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