Love in Amsterdam (1962) aka Death in Amsterdam

 Because of the Cats (1963)

 Gun Before Butter (1963) aka Question of Loyalty

 Double-Barrel (1964)

 Criminal Conversation (1965)

 The King of the Rainy Country (1966)

 Strike Out Where Not Applicable (1967)

 Tsing-Boom! (1969)

 The Lovely Ladies (1971) aka Over the High Side

 A Long Silence (1972) aka Aupres de ma Blonde

 The Widow (1979)

 One Damn Thing After Another (1981) aka Arlette

 Sand Castles (1989)

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 A Dressing of Diamonds (1974)

 What are the Bugles Blowing For? (1975) aka The Bugles Blowing

 Sabine (1976) aka Lake Isle

 The Night Lords (1978)

 Castang's City (1980)

 Wolfnight (1982)

 The Back of the North Wind (1983)

 No Part in Your Death (1984)

 Cold Iron (1986)

 Lady Macbeth (1988)

 Not as Far as Velma (1989)

 Those in Peril (1990)

 Flanders Sky (1992) aka The Pretty How Town

 You Know Who (1994)

 The Seacoast of Bohemia (1994)

 A Dwarf Kingdom (1996)

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 Miss Pinkerton (1932)

 Haunted Lady (1942)

 Episode of the Wandering Knife (1950)

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 Presumed Innocent (1987)  무죄추정

 The Burden of Proof (1990)

 Pleading Guilty (1993)   증발

 The Laws Of Our Fathers (1996)

 Personal Injuries (1999)

 Reversible Errors (2002)   사형판결

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 1 The Secret of the Old Clock 1930, 1959

 2 The Hidden Staircase 1930, 1959

 3 The Bungalow Mystery 1930, 1960

 4 The Mystery at Lilac Inn 1930, 1961

 5 The Secret at Shadow Ranch 1931, 1965

 6 The Secret of Red Gate Farm 1931, 1961

 7 The Clue in the Diary 1932, 1962

 8 Nancy's Mysterious Letter 1932, 1968

 9 The Sign of the Twisted Candles 1933, 1968

 10 The Password to Larkspur Lane 1933, 1966

 11 The Clue of the Broken Locket 1934, 1965

 12 The Message in the Hollow Oak 1935, 1972

 13 The Mystery of the Ivory Charm 1936, 1974

 14 The Whispering Statue 1937, 1970

 15 The Haunted Bridge 1937, 1972

 16 The Clue of the Tapping Heels 1939, 1969

 17 The Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk 1940, 1976

 18 The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion 1941, 1971

 19 The Quest of the Missing Map 1942, 1969

 20 The Clue in the Jewel Box 1943, 1972

 21 The Secret in the Old Attic 1944, 1970

 22 The Clue in the Crumbling Wall 1945, 1973

 23 The Mystery of the Tolling Bell 1946, 1973

 24 The Clue in the Old Album 1947, 1977

 25 The Ghost of Blackwood Hall 1948, 1967

 26 The Clue of the Leaning Chimney 1949, 1967

 27 The Secret of the Wooden lady 1950, 1967

 28 The Clue of the Black Keys 1951, 1968

 29 The Mystery at the Ski Jump 1952, 1968

 30 The Clue of the Velvet Mask 1953, 1969

 31 The Ringmaster's Secret 1953, 1974

 32 The Scarlet Slipper Mystery 1954, 1974

 33 The Witch Tree Symbol 1955, 1974

 34 The Hidden Window Mystery 1956, 1975

 35 The Haunted Showboat 1957

 36 The Secret of the Golden Pavilion 1959

 37 The Clue in the Old Stagecoach 1960

 38 The Mystery of the Fire Dragon 1961

 39 The Clue of the Dancing Puppet 1962

 40 The Moonstone Castle Mystery 1963

 41 The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes 1964

 42 The Phantom of Pine Hill 1965

 43 The Mystery of the 99 Steps 1966

 44 The Clue in the Crossword Cipher 1967

 45 The Spider Sapphire Mystery 1968

 46 The Invisible Intruder 1969

 47 The Mysterious Mannequin 1970

 48 The Crooked Banister 1971

 49 The Secret of Mirror Bay 1972

 50 The Double Jinx Mystery 1973

 51 Mystery of the Glowing Eye 1974

 52 The Secret of the Forgotten City 1975

 53 The Sky Phantom 1976

 54 The Strange Message in the Parchment 1977

 55 Mystery of Crocodile Island 1978

 56 The Thirteenth Pearl 1979

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아영엄마 2004-11-02 20:29   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
다시 즐겨찾기 한 것은 아니고, 제가 즐겨찾기하고 있는 걸 공개한다고 고쳤답니다. 제가 나타나나요? 님도 나타나요!!^^

물만두 2004-11-02 20:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
네. 저도 그렇게 했어요^^

BRINY 2004-11-03 17:36   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
앗! 낸시 드루 시리즈다~ 이거 중학교 때 꽤 재밌게 봤었던건데, 시리즈가 많네요.

물만두 2004-11-03 17:43   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이거보다 더 많아요 백권이 넘더라구요. 근데 그게 확실한 건지 알지 못해 못 올렸어요^^ 전 이 시리즈 한번도 못 봤다구요...

숨은아이 2004-11-03 17:51   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이거 혹시 아버지가 변호사인 소녀 탐정 이야기인가요? 어렸을 때 읽은 그 책이 "붉은문 농장의 비밀"이었던 것 같은데... 그때 재밌어서, 우리나라 TV 배우들이 이 소설을 드라마처럼 연기하는 걸 혼자 상상하곤 했답니다. 이 역할은 누굴 줄까 생각하면서. ㅎㅎ

물만두 2004-11-03 18:02   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
못봤어요 ㅠ.ㅠ

BRINY 2004-11-16 23:18   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
맞아요, 아버지가 변호사인 소녀 탐정 맞아요. 남자 친구도 있고 두명의 여자 친구랑 그들의 남자친구들도 같이 등장하곤 하죠. 미국 소설들 보면, '집에 낸시 드루 시리즈 모아놓고 있는 사람' 묘사가 가끔 등장하더라구요.

물만두 2004-11-17 09:50   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
보고 싶어요ㅠ.ㅠ